
The Gospels speak of troubled people seeking to touch the hem of Christ’s garment, that they might be healed. Christ’s garment is no more, but before He left this earth He gave us what our prayerbook calls “a foretaste of thy heavenly banquet” – Holy Eucharist (or Communion or Mass), instituted at the Last Supper and celebrated every Sunday and weekday at the Church of The Transfiguration. “Celebrate” is the right word, because every Eucharist is a corporate giving of thanks to God for our many blessings.
Among those blessings are the gift of the Eucharist itself and the opportunity it provides for healing, both individual and collective. At Transfiguration the Eucharistic Liturgy (worship) offers a foundation for and pathway to deeper faith regardless of spiritual background or condition. In the words of the great Spiritual, “let us break bread together on our knees,” humbly asking God for forgiveness and for the strength and courage to do His will in our daily lives.
by Bill Glew
Our Little Blog

April 27, 2022