Want to get involved? We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our many different ministry and outreach programs. Our music program enriches our worship service with the choirs and special music at our 11 am mass. Our music program also enriches the community with it's concert series. Our tour guides walk through the parish with visitors who want to learn more about our unique history. Our historical society preserves the parish's records and commemorative items. Our ushers, lectors, and acolytes offer opportunities to volunteer during our worship services. Our ushers greet each person who walks through our door. Our lectors read from the Bible during our masses. Our acolytes make sure that the Eucharist is celebrated with majesty and dignity. Our hospitality ministry ensures a warm fellowship opportunity with our coffee hours after our masses. Our Ecclesia ministry ensures a warm meal for those facing homelessness in our community. For more information on any of these ministries, please contact the parish office.
Volunteer Inquiries
For inquiries on our volunteer opportunities, please contact Grace Kobryn, parish administrator.
Grace Kobryn
Our Little Blog

April 27, 2022